Adopted amendments to Penrith DCP 2014 for Amendment No. 5
Draft Amending Precinct Plan for the Central Precinct of St Marys
Planning Proposal: Penrith LEP 2010 for 4 Council owned sites
Annual Update Amendment Planning Proposal
Planning Proposal: Penrith LEP 2010 for the Australian Arms Hotel
Penrith Local Strategic Planning Statement
Special Rate Variation
Planning Proposal for 39–49 Henry Street, Penrith
Voluntary Planning Agreement for 39-49 Henry Street, Penrith
Penrith Green Grid Strategy
Reclassification of Public Land - Penrith City Centre
Employment Lands Strategy
Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan - Erskine Park Road
City Strategy
Derby St and Great Western Highway Intersection Upgrades
Greening our City Program
Council is planting 5,000 trees along nature strips, parks and reserves as part of the Greening our City tree planting program with plenty of ways you can get involved.
Independent Report on Public Hearing - Erskine Park Planning Proposal
Cultural Action Plan
Council is developing a new Cultural Action Plan for Penrith City.
Planning Proposal & proposed amendment to DCP 2014 - Panthers Precinct
Proposed Winter Sporting Facility at 2 Tench Avenue, Jamisontown
Draft Amendment to Development Control Plan 2014
Planning Agreement: Winter Sporting Facility 2 Tench Ave, Jamisontown
Urban Heat Planning Controls Package
Draft Operational Plan and Draft Fees and Charges 2021-22
Draft Operational Plan 2018-19 and proposed Fees and Charges 2018-19
Planning Proposal: Housekeeping Amendments to City-wide LEP
Nepean Avenue
Rural Lands Strategy
Share your views on the draft Rural Lands Strategy, which provides a strategic approach for managing the social, economic and environmental values of our rural lands.
Planning Proposal: Penrith LEP 2010 for 33-43 Phillip Street, St Marys
Peach Tree and Lower Surveyors Creek
The Peach Tree and Lower Surveyors Creeks Catchment Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan is now being prepared.
Planning Proposal: Penrith LEP 2010 for 11-13 Chesham Street, St Marys
Planning Proposal Orchard Hills North Public Exhibition
Council is proposing to change the planning controls applying to a 151.9 hectare area of land known as Orchard Hills North.
Voluntary Planning Agreement for 657-769 Mamre Road, Kemps Creek
Notification of a Voluntary Planning Agreement for 657-769 Mamre Road, Kemps Creek
Planning Proposal Glenmore Park Stage 3 Public Exhibition
Council is proposing to change the planning controls applying to a 206-hectare area of land known as Glenmore Park Stage 3 to allow urban development.
Planning Agreement for 57 Henry Street, Penrith
Notification of a Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA)
New Mulgoa RFS Station - June 2020 Update
Planning Proposal for 61-79 Henry Street, Penrith
Planning Proposal to amend the Penrith Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2010.
Planning Proposal for Affordable Rental Housing Contributions
Planning Proposal for Affordable Rental Housing Contributions for Glenmore Park Stage 3 and Orchard Hills North
Planning Proposal for 221 to 325 Luddenham Road, Orchard Hills
Planning Proposal, Draft DCP and Letter of Offer for Infrastructure Works for 221-235 Luddenham Road, Orchard Hills
Penrith City Park
Voluntary Planning Agreement - Microsoft Datacenter
Notification of a Voluntary Planning Agreement between Penrith City Council and Microsoft Datacenter for 769 Mamre Road, Kemps Creek
Regatta Park
Draft Affordable Rental Housing Contributions Implementation Policy
Penrith City Council is exhibiting the Draft Affordable Rental Housing Contributions Implementation Policy (The Draft Policy).
Public Exhibition: Draft Operational Plan and Fees and Charges 2020-21
Public Exhibition of Various Planning Instruments for Penrith LGA
Voluntary Planning Agreement - Chapman Street
Amendment to Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement for 16 Chapman Street, Werrington
Gipps Street Recreation Precinct
Draft Amendment to Glenmore Park Stage 3 chapter of Penrith DCP 2014
Public Exhibition of Draft Amendment to the endorsed Glenmore Park Stage 3 chapter of the Penrith Development Control Plan 2014.
Draft Penrith Aerotropolis Development Contributions Plan 2023
Soper Place Revitalisation
Emu Plains Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
We are seeking community input from people living or doing business in the study areas of Emu Plains, Emu Heights and Leonay.
Deed of Variation to Planning Agreement for Sydney Science Park
Publicly notifying a deed of variation to a Voluntary Planning Agreement supporting 565-609 Luddenham Road, Luddenham Planning Proposal.
David Currie Playspace – Banks Drive, St Clair
Planning Proposal for Reynolds Road and The Driftway, Londonderry
Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement for 33-43 Phillip Street, St Marys
Draft Penrith Developer Agreements Policy
Tench Reserve
Penrith Proud Business Directory
Small businesses are the lifeblood of our community. Take a look at the directory to see the local businesses you can support today.
Amendment to Section 7.12 DCP for Non Residential Development
Draft Mamre Precinct Contributions Plan
Draft Delivery Program 2017-21, Operational Plan and Fees & Charges
Draft Street and Park Tree Management Plan
Penrith 2036 - Community Strategic Plan
Shape Council's activities over the next 12 years
Trinity Drive Reserve Upgrade
Dunheved Road Upgrade
Users of Dunheved Road can look forward to more efficient, reliable and safer journeys with construction on the Dunheved Road Upgrade due to start early 2025.
Wilson Park - Penrith Mayoral Challenge
Community Strategic Plan
Penrith's Night Time Economy
Penrith has transformed over the past seven years, presenting Council and its partners with an opportunity to re-energise its night time economy strategy.
Local Housing Strategy
Have your say on the draft Local Housing Strategy, which has been established to guide housing change and manage population growth in Penrith City up to 2036.
Streets as Shared Spaces
Building upon the Live, Work, Play Grid project Council is delivering a “Streets as Shared Spaces”
Renewing the Heart of Kingswood
Renewing the Heart of Kingswood will see the delivery of streetscape improvements to the eastern side of Bringelly Road, Kingswood.
Penrith 2036
Help shape your city by contributing to the development of the Community Strategic Plan, Delivery Program, the Operational Plan and the Long Term Financial Plan.
Bennett Park Upgrade
We are building a new mixed recreation space in St Marys for the whole community to enjoy.
Deed of Variation to Voluntary Planning Agreement for Glenmore Park
Notification for a Deed of Variation to a Voluntary Planning Agreement for Glenmore Park Stage 2
Max Baker Reserve - Jamisontown
Jim Anderson Park Playspace Upgrade - Werrington Downs
Ridgeview Crescent Reserve Upgrade - Erskine Park
Goldmark Crescent Reserve Upgrade - Cranebrook
Explorers Way & Henley Grove Reserve Upgrade - St Clair
Glengarry Drive Reserve Playspace Upgrade - Glenmore Park
Aboriginal Survey
Illawong & Kareela Avenue Reserve Upgrade - Kingswood Park
Community Engagement Strategy 2022
Boronia Dog Park Upgrade
Cook Park Upgrade
Council is delivering a multi-million-dollar upgrade to transform Cook Park, St Marys, into a high-quality sport and recreation precinct.
Capella Reserve Revitalisation
Cranebrook Flood Study - 2023
Coreen Avenue Intersection Upgrades
Penrith City Council is upgrading intersections on Coreen Avenue to improve the efficiency and safety of the road and also ensure it can cater for future traffic demands.
Greening the Great West Walk
We're greening the Great West Walk! We're creating a bush food trail in Cranebrook with bush-tucker pants and trees and planting Mulberry Trees along the Walk.
Draft Operational Plan and Draft Fees and Charges 2023-24
The key documents guiding Council’s daily activities and budget, fees and charges, and communication standards over the next 12 months.
Rickaby's Creek Catchment Flood Study
Our River Master Plan Update
Penrith City Council is updating the Our River Master Plan to guide the next phase of planning and revitalisation of the Nepean River Precinct.
Penrith Multicultural Action Plan 2024-2027
Have your say on Penrith City Council’s Multicultural Action Plan 2024-2027.
Statement of Recognition: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Penrith City Council is conducting engagement with residents to inform the review of Council’s Statement of Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Registered Aboriginal Parties
Penrith City Council (Council) invites traditional owners/custodians and knowledge holders to submit an EOI to join Council's list of Registered Aboriginal Parties.
Kayak Launch Decks
Penrith City Council is building a new kayak launch deck at the Nepean River.
Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement for 61-79 Henry Street, Penrith
The Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement for 61-79 Henry Street, Penrith is currently on exhibition
Draft Affordable Housing Strategy and Action Plan
Have your say on the actions Council will take towards improving housing affordability during 2023 – 2026.
Draft Penrith Economic Development Strategy 2023-2031 and Draft Visitor Economy Strategy 2023-2030
Factory Road Shared Path
Council is constructing a new shared path along Factory Road, Regentville.
Community Funding Program
Draft Planning Agreement for 788-882 Mamre Road, Kemps Creek
Cultural Strategy
Draft Cultural Strategy and Action Plan 2024-2028
Proposed Amendments to the Orchard Hills North and Glenmore Park DCP
Proposed amendments to the Orchard Hills North, Glenmore Park Stage 2 and Glenmore Park Stage 3 chapters of Penrith DCP 2014 Public Exhibition.
Upper Byrnes Creek Flood Study
Penrith City Council is preparing a flood study for the Upper Byrnes Creek catchment.
Blackwell Creek Flood Study
Penrith City Council is preparing a flood study for the Blackwell Creek catchment.
Ron Mulock Oval
Thornton, we want to hear from you! Let us know what you love about Ron Mulock Oval and how you'd like to use it in the future.
Dorothy Radford Reserve Playspace Upgrade
St Clair - you're getting a new playspace!
Voluntary Planning Agreement for Luddenham Road
Notification of draft Voluntary Planning Agreement for 221-325 Luddenham Road, Orchard Hills, associated with the Luddenham Road Planning Proposal.
Henry Brigden Park Upgrade
Penrith - you're getting a new playspace!
St Marys Central Park
St Marys Central Park is an integral part of Council's plans to transform St Marys into a vibrant and modern Town Centre for current and future generations.
Ridge Park Playspace Upgrade
Oxley Park - you're getting a new playspace!
Gilmour Street Reserve Playspace Upgrade
Colyton - you're getting a new playspace!
Draft Operational Plan and Draft Fees and Charges 2024-2025
The key documents guiding Council’s daily activities, budget, and fees and charges over the next 12 months.
114-116 Henry Street
Changes at 114-116 Henry Street, Penrith.
Together in Cranebrook
Eileen Cammack Reserve Playspace Upgrade
South Penrith - you're getting a new playspace!
Londonderry Park Playspace Upgrade
Londonderry - you're getting a new playspace!
Monfarville Reserve Playspace
St Marys - you're getting a new playspace!
Draft Deed of Novation Voluntary Planning Agreement: 61-79 Henry St
Draft Deed of Novation to an existing Voluntary Planning Agreement for 61-79 Henry Street, Penrith
Penrith City Library Floorplan
Penrith City Library is updating its shelving and planning an outdoor study space and wants your feedback on our floorplan and collection locations!
Community Engagement Strategy and Participation Plan
Penrith City Council's guiding principles and methodology to understand what good engagement looks like and how you can be involved in shaping the future of our City.
Greenway Drive Reserve Playspace Upgrade
South Penrith - you're getting a new playspace!
Draft Planning Agreement for Abbotts and Aldington Roads, Kemps Creek
Draft Planning Agreement for road widening and upgrade works for Abbotts Road and part of Aldington Road, Kemps Creek
Ladbury Avenue Reserve Playspace Upgrade
Penrith - you're getting a new playspace!
Adelaide Street Reserve Playspace Upgrade
St Marys - you're getting a new playspace!
Amaroo Street Reserve Playspace Upgrade
Kingswood - you're getting a new playspace!
Allsopp and Paterson Oval Playspace Upgrade
Cambridge Park - tell us what you'd like in your new playspace!
Glenmore Park Child & Family Centre Playspace Renewal
Glenmore Park - tell us what new equipment you'd like to see!
Draft Orchard Hills precinct rezoning package
The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure are publicly exhibiting a draft rezoning package for the land within the Orchard Hills precinct
Events Strategy 2025-2030
St Marys
Have your say on the draft Development Control Plan and Contributions Plan for St Marys Town Centre.
Andromeda Drive Reserve Upgrade
Penrith City Council is upgrading the sport and recreation facilities in Andromeda Drive Reserve, Cranebrook.
Margaret Porter Reserve Playspace Renewal
St Marys - tell us what equipment you'd like to see!
Myrtle Road Reserve Playspace Renewal
Claremont Meadows - tell us what equipment you'd like to see!
Draft Planning Agreement for Aldington Road, Kemps Creek
Draft Planning Agreement for road widening and upgrade works for part of Aldington Road, Kemps Creek
Claremont Creek Flood Study
Youth Led Action Plan 2025-2030
This is an exciting opportunity for young people aged 15-20 to take an active role in shaping the future of youth engagement and leadership in Penrith.
Alcohol Free Public Spaces
Peach Tree and Lower Surveyors Creeks Floodplain Risk Management
The study area covers 12.5 sq km, including South Penrith, Jamisontown, and parts of Penrith, bounded by the Nepean River, M4 Motorway, and The Northern Road.
North St Marys Playspace Upgrades
Penrith City Council is upgrading three playspaces across North St Marys.