Penrith City Council is preparing a flood study for the Blackwell Creek catchment. The study area is located between South Creek and Ropes Creek and includes the residential suburb of St Clair and Erskine Park. The study area includes part of the Western Sydney Employment Lands located between Erskine Park and the Warragamba Pipeline. 

This study will update Council’s existing flood information and help us plan for, predict and manage the risk of flooding across the catchment. To prepare the study, Council has engaged Advisian, an independent consultant specialising in flooding investigations. 

If your property is located within the study area and has experienced flooding, we invite you to complete our questionnaire and share your local knowledge and personal experience. 

You can complete the questionnaire online below or download it here and:

  • email it to: or
  • print it out and post to:  

Penrith City Council 

Engineering Services 

Blackwell Creek Flood Study  

PO Box 60 

Penrith NSW 2751 

All responses must be received before 5pm, Monday 11 March 2024.

More information about Council’s floodplain management process can be found at Council’s website