Update: The exhibition period has now closed.

Council invites you to review and provide feedback on proposed amendments to the Orchard Hills North, Glenmore Park Stage 2 and Glenmore Park Stage 3 chapters of the Penrith Development Control Plan 2014 (DCP 2014).

Council at its Ordinary Meeting of 11 December 2023 resolved to publicly exhibit the above proposed amendments to DCP 2014.

Key changes to the Orchard Hills North DCP chapter include making minor changes which reflect the associated final Planning Proposal, addressing formatting matters and addressing other discrepancies identified.

Key updates to the Glenmore Park Stage 2 and Stage 3 DCP chapters include the addition of a development staging section, updated figures and minor formatting matters. The proposed changes are administrative in nature and do not introduce or amend any existing policy positions in either DCP chapter.

The purpose of these changes is to enable the preparation of accurate and contemporary planning controls which will guide development for these areas.

Have Your Say

We're now seeking your feedback on the proposed changes. The proposed amendments to the Penrith DCP 2014 chapters will be on public exhibition from Monday 29 January 2024 to Monday 26 February 2024.

The amended DCP chapters can be viewed in the Document Library to the right of this page.

Making a Submission

If you wish to make a submission on the Planning Proposal, you must do so in writing by Monday 26 February 2024.

You can submit your written submission via:

  • email to:


  • post to:

The General Manager

Penrith City Council

PO Box 60

Penrith NSW 2751

  • staff at the Penrith Civic Centre.

Please include a subject line indicating ‘Proposed amendment to the Orchard Hills North, Glenmore Park Stage 2 and Glenmore Park Stage 3 chapters of Penrith DCP 2014 in your submission. We will acknowledge all the submissions we receive.

All submissions will be reported to the elected Council for consideration. If you make a submission, we will notify you of the dates of relevant Council meetings and how to address Council should you wish to.


Council Officers will be available to answer questions throughout the public exhibition period.

For further enquiries please contact Owen Lay, Planner on 4732 7612.