Update: The exhibition period has now closed.

Notice of amendment to Penrith Development Control Plan 2014- Chapter E17 Orchard Hills North, and Chapter E7 Part B Glenmore Park Stage 2 and Chapter E7 Part C Glenmore Park Stage 3

At its Ordinary Meeting of 24 June 2024 Council considered proposed amendments to Penrith Development Control Plan 2014 (DCP 2014) and resolved to adopt the proposed amendments to the DCP.

The DCP amendments focused on several formatting errors, omissions and minor inconsistencies that have been identified and amendments to Chapter E17 Orchard Hills North and Chapter E7 Part C Glenmore Park Stage 3 were required. Due to minor changes the boundary between Glenmore Park Stage 2 and Glenmore Park Stage 3, Chapter E7 Part B Glenmore Park Stage 2 also needed to be amended. The purpose of these changes is to enable the preparation of accurate and contemporary planning controls which will guide future development for these areas. The DCP will come into force on Monday 8 July 2024.

A copy of the amended DCP chapters can be found in the Planning Controls section of Council’s website.

For further enquiries please contact Owen Lay, Planner on 4732 7612 or city.planning@penrith.city