St Marys is quickly becoming an important strategic centre in Western Sydney.
The new Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport rail line will connect St Marys to the world and bring more people, jobs, and infrastructure to the area.
Penrith City Council is preparing for these changes through exciting projects and careful planning to help guide development of the St Marys Town Centre over the next 20 years.
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Public exhibition period closed
The public exhibition period for the draft St Marys Town Centre Master Plan and central park project is now closed.
Thank you to everyone who submitted their feedback. We value your contribution and interest in helping to shape our community’s future.
We will review and consider all the feedback received for the draft Master Plan and central park.
Please click on the ‘Follow’ button above to receive updates as these plans and projects progress.
Draft St Marys Town Centre Master Plan
The draft St Marys Town Centre Master Plan is the next step in Council’s planning pathway to guide development of the Town Centre over the next 20 years.
The first step was the 2022 St Marys Town Centre Structure Plan which outlines a vision and place outcomes to guide the transformation of St Marys into an authentic, welcoming, vibrant and sustainable strategic centre.
The next step in Council's strategic planning pathway is the St Marys Town Centre Master Plan which maps out what Council needs to do to achieve each of the goals we identified in the Structure Plan.
The draft Master Plan has been developed with input from the St Marys community and stakeholders, and has involved extensive place-based research, collaboration and evidence-based planning and design. The Master Plan follows on from the vision and place outcomes identified in the earlier Structure Plan. The Master Plan has also been informed by a series of supporting technical studies that investigated matters including transport, sustainability, urban ecology, heritage and First Nations culture, water management, infrastructure and feasibility.
You can download and view the draft Master Plan from the 'Related Documents' section of this page. Or scroll further down this page to explore our interactive graphics.
St Marys Central Park Project

The St Marys Central Park project is an integral part of Council's plans to transform St Marys into a vibrant and modern Town Centre for current and future generations.
The new park will be the civic green heart of St Marys, attracting residents and visitors into the Town Centre to meet, socialise, enjoy passive and active recreation, and enjoy events and performances.
Key features of the design concept include:
- an entertainment area with amphitheatre areas
- children’s playspace with water play
- lawn area
- trees and plants
- pathways, seating and lighting.
The delivery of this project and these exciting features may be staged based on available funding and community priorities.
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Find out more about the draft St Marys Town Centre Master Plan
You can find out more about the details of the draft St Marys Town Centre Master Plan by exploring the interactive graphics below.
Illustrative Master Plan

Spatial Framework Plan

Building Typologies

Visualisation - Entertainment and Eat Street Living Precinct

Artist impression - indicative only.
Visualisation - Ridgetop Living Precinct

Artist impression - indicative only.
Visualisation - Green Spine Living Precinct

Artist impression - indicative only.