Penrith City Council has revitalised Capella Reserve in Erskine Park to meet community needs for quality open and green space.

The reserve has been enhanced and encourages residents to get outside, connect, and enjoy passive recreation such as walking. Key features include:

  • spaces to socialise and enjoy the natural beauty of the reserve
  • seating
  • an accessible picnic table with shelter
  • pathways
  • a water drinking fountain
  • bin, and
  • tree, shrub, and native grass planting to improve biodiversity, provide natural shade and help mitigate urban heat.

Capella Reserve transformed

Public Open Space Transformation

Capella Reserve is one of several open space projects funded by Council through the Erskine Park Urban Reinvestment project, which is part of Council’s Open Space Reinvestment Project (OSRP). Council identified open space sites in Erskine Park that were underutilised or in need of an upgrade to meet resident’s expectations, as part of its Open Space Reinvestment Project. As a result, six sites have been rezoned for residential development with the proceeds from the sale of this land going directly into improving targeted open space and public domain areas within Erskine Park. Council has already forward funded $2.65 million of open space and public domain improvements from the anticipated sale of these sites.