Council is upgrading three playspaces in North St Marys including:

  • Poplar Park, corner of Mallee Street and Jackaranda Road, North St Marys.
  • Robin Wiles Park, 118 Maple Road, North St Marys.
  • Wattle Avenue Reserve, 4 Wattle Avenue, North St Marys.

We want your help to create the designs for these upgrades! There are lots of ways you can tell us what you'd like to see in your new playspaces:

  • Complete the short survey below.
  • Share your ideas on the vision board below - maybe there are examples of other playspaces you love or equipment you think your kids would like to play on!
  • Contact Council's Recreation team via email at or by calling 4732 7777. To speak with us in your preferred language, please call TIS National on 131 450 and advise that you would like to talk to Penrith City Council.
  • In person at:
    • Wattle Avenue Reserve on Wednesday 26 March, from 2.30pm until 4pm.
    • Robin Wiles Park on Saturday 29 March, from 9am until 11am. There will be free coffee and ice cream for the first 100 adults and children!
    • Penrith Civic Centre or St Marys Library.

Consultation is open from Monday 17 March 2025 until Sunday 13 April 2025.

If you'd like to keep up to date with this project, you can click on the 'Follow' button above to receive regular updates. Make sure you share this page with your neighbours and friends!

These projects are funded by the NSW Government through the Western Sydney Infrastructure Grants Program.

Key Dates

Wednesday 26 March 2025 02:30 pm to 04:00 pm

Visit us at Wattle Avenue Reserve!

Come along and share your feedback on these playspace upgrades!

Saturday 29 March 2025 09:00 am to 11:00 am

Visit us at Robin Wiles Park!

We'll have FREE coffee and FREE ice cream for the first 100 adults and children (one per person). Come along and share your feedback!

What could be included in these upgrades?

After conducting a site assessment and getting feedback from local residents about what they'd like to see in their new playspace, Council will develop the design in line with state government guidelines and our Playspace Design Guidelines. You can find these in the Sport and Recreation Strategy under the 'Related Documents' section of this page.

Our guidelines outline the types of infrastructure which need to be included in an upgrade depending on whether the playspace is a local, district, or Citywide facility.

Poplar Park and Wattle Avenue Reserve are local playspaces and the upgrades will include:

  • new play equipment
  • seating
  • pathways
  • surface upgrades
  • natural and/or artificial shade
  • landscaping

Robin Wiles Park is a district playspace and will include the above features, as well as drinking fountains and bins.

While Council does its best to create playspaces that are modern, inclusive, and will be enjoyed for years to come, some types of infrastructure such as toilets, fencing and water play are not possible in all of our local playspace upgrades.