Trees are an important part of our City, and an investment in our future. They provide shade and help reduce temperatures, create beauty, improve air quality and our health, increase house prices, and provide vitally important habitats for our local wildlife.

The proposed ‘Street and Park Tree Management Plan’ recognises that trees and shrubs are a key feature of our City, which provide a range of benefits, and outlines how Council intends to manage and maintain all trees and shrubs located on Council land.

View the proposed plan

The proposed plan is now on public exhibition.

You can view the proposed plan until Friday 5 January 2018, either:

Alternatively, you can contact Council’s City Presentation team on 4732 7559 and they can help you get access to the plan.

Have your say

You can make a submission about the proposed plan to Council.

Submissions will be accepted until 5pm Friday 19 January 2018.

To ensure your submission is received by the right department, make sure you:

  • Address your submission to the General Manager
  • Submit it by the closing deadline via:
  • Mail – PO Box 60, Penrith, NSW 2751 or
  • Email –