Community Strategic Plan Review 2024

Council is reviewing our Community Strategic Plan (CSP) to ensure to ensure it represents the shared vision of the Penrith Community. The CSP is the roadmap which Council uses as an overarching guide to shape Penrith into the City you want to live in – it’s how community vision is translated into action by Council.

Have Your Say

Thank you to everyone who shared their feedback. The survey prize draw and drawing competition are now closed. The winners of the x2 $250 vouchers and x5 family movie passes will be notified shortly. Please continue to follow this page to receive updates when the draft Community Strategic Plan will be made available for feedback.

Complete the survey below to tell us your ideas and priorities, what you love about our City and want to see more of, and the opportunities you believe will make Penrith even better. Those who complete the survey below can go in the draw to win one of x2 $250 vouchers!
Draw what you would like to see. Kids aged under 12 can enter our Drawing Competition to show us what they would like to see for Penrith's future. Those who enter the Drawing Competition can go in the draw to win one of x5 family movie passes!
Both competitions close 31 August 2024.

Speak to us in person

Email, or phone 4732 7777.
To register for updates, hit the 'follow' button above.

Towards Penrith 2036 - take the survey now


Your input matters! We want to hear your ideas and priorities, what you love about our City and want to see more of, and the opportunities you believe will make Penrith even better.

This survey will take 5-10 minutes to complete. Your answers will inform the Community Strategic Plan.

Complete the survey

Drag your top three choices to the right.
Clicking a button moves the item between the two lists. List one (left column):
  1. Disease pandemic
  2. Traffic congestion
  3. Over-development
  4. Infrastructure failure
  5. Cyber attack
  6. Housing affordability
  7. Chronic illness
  8. Job availability
  9. Cost of living
  10. Financial crisis
  11. Terror attack
  12. Extreme weather events
  13. Drug and alcohol abuse
  14. Water crisis
  15. Social harmony and connection
  16. Transport options and access
  17. Inequality
  18. Digital network failure
  19. Demand on health services
List two (right column):
Which of the following do you see as the highest priorities for the Penrith Local Government Area (LGA) in the next 12 years? Select up to six Required

This is the community’s current vision statement:

Our regional city is inclusive and prosperous and offers the best in urban living and a sustainable rural environment.

How well does this statement reflect your vision for Penrith in 2036?
HINT: A good vision statement is short, specific, written in present-tense - but focussed on where we want to be 5-10 years from now.

About you

Please tell us a bit more about yourself to help us ensure we have engaged in a broad cross-section of the Penrith Community in this survey.
This information is treated anonymously, excepting your contact details if you wish to go in the prize draw.

Age ​
Gender ​
Are you Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander? ​​ ​
Do you identify as having a disability?
Which suburb do you live in?
Which of the following describe your relationship with the Penrith LGA?

Key priorities for the future of Penrith

Five key priorities emerged during our extensive community consultation in 2020-2021.

    We protect and enhance an ecologically sustainable environment


    We are welcoming, healthy, happy, creative and connected


    We plan and shape our growing city


    We manage and improve our built environment


    We have open and collaborative leadership