Penrith is a city on the rise with new roads, rail and the Western Sydney Airport on our doorstep.
Large areas of land have been identified for industrial and business development near the new Western Sydney Airport. As Penrith grows, it will play a major role in creating a thriving and resilient economy for all of Greater Sydney.
Council has developed an Employment Lands Strategy to help guide how we manage growth and change in Penrith, to strengthen our economy and improve community wellbeing in a sustainable way. The Employment Lands Strategy sets out four strategic directions with priorities and actions against each to work towards delivering a connected, healthy, innovative and balanced city.
The Employment Lands Strategy is a key component of Council’s new strategic framework which consolidates the planning priorities outlined in the Local Strategic Planning Statement and aims to establish a place-based vision for our city.
Public Exhibition
The public exhibition of the draft Employment Lands Strategy has now closed.
Penrith’s Employment Lands Strategy was endorsed by Penrith City Council at the Ordinary Meeting on 25 October 2021.
You can view Penrith’s Employment Lands Strategy in the documents section of this page.