
Ground-breaking milestone for new $24 million Regatta Park

16 August 2021

Work is now underway to transform Penrith’s Regatta Park into a focal point for nature, leisure and recreation in Western Sydney.

The $24 million project is being jointly funded by the Australian and New South Wales Governments and the Penrith City Council under the Western Sydney City Deal Liveability Program to create a community space that will be a destination for people across the region.

The project will increase the appeal of this picturesque location by improving access, formalising recreation spaces and creating more opportunities for locals and visitors to experience and enjoy the area.

Stage one will focus on the riverbank, from River Road to the river foreshore, and deliver:

  • a 112-metre pavilion
  • undercover play space with water activities
  • a new amenities building
  • an accessible pathway to the river foreshore, and
  • several over-water viewing platforms.

Stage two is expected to start early next year on the western side of River Road and will deliver:

  • an adventure play space
  • outdoor exercise stations
  • a cricket oval
  • landscaping, and
  • a centralised car park.

Funding for the Regatta Park transformation includes $9 million from Penrith City Council and a total of $15 million from the Australian and NSW Governments.

Find out more information on the Western Sydney City Deal here.