
Draft playspace concept presented to Council

27 August 2024

Year 5 and 6 students from St Marys South Public School presented the draft design for a new playspace in Monfarville Reserve at the August meeting of Council. The students showed creativity and teamwork by co-designing a playspace with Council as part of the annual Penrith Mayoral Challenge. During workshops with Council staff, students learned about civic engagement, local government, First Nations Cultural Heritage and decision-making processes as they finalised the playspace concept.

The design includes a playspace with equipment for swinging, climbing, sliding, and jumping. The park entry will feature signage, bike racks, and a drinking fountain. Visitors will enjoy an accessible picnic shelter and new seating with companion spaces for prams or wheelchairs. New tree plantings will offer shade and cooling, alongside new shade structures for protection.

Construction is due to begin next year, with completion expected by late 2025.