
Temporary closure of some Allen Place car parking spaces

17 March 2023

From Wednesday 22 March 2023 until Wednesday 29 March 2023, there will be staged temporary closures of a small number of car parking spaces in Allen Place car park, to allow works to be carried out as part of the City Park project.

To minimise disruption, small sections of up to approximately 12 car parking spaces will be closed during this time.

Traffic controls will be in place and car parking spaces will be progressively reopened as work is completed. The location of the works is indicated on the map below.

The remainder of Allen Place car park will stay open for one and two-hour parking.

Other parking options can be found by downloading the ParkPenrith App and using the interactive parking map at

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

map of allen place car park works

Location of Allen Place car park works.