
January 2020: Update on new Mulgoa RFS station

16 January 2020

Amendments to the State Environment Planning Policy (SEPP) (Infrastructure) 2007 has resulted in the withdrawal of the Development Application for a new Rural Fire Service station in Mulgoa Park.

The amendments to SEPP specifically prohibit development of an emergency services facility by or on behalf of the NSW Rural Fire Service in RE1 or E3 zoned land. All Council-owned land, other than the existing fire station, are zoned either E3 or RE1, with Mulgoa Park and Gow Park zoned RE1.

Given these amendments, Council is unable to continue with the current development application for the proposed sites of Mulgoa Park and Mulgoa Neighbourhood Facility and it has been formally withdrawn.

The current RFS Station site is situated in a prescribed zone and is the only compliant option under the SEPP amendments.

Council officers have commenced detailed construction designs and further community consultation for this site will commence during February 2020.