
Council reveals final design for Glengarry Drive Reserve playspace upgrade

20 February 2023

Glenmore Park residents will soon have a new playspace to enjoy, with the final design for the Glengarry Drive Reserve playspace upgrade unveiled.

A ‘treehouse’ themed playspace will be constructed with a variety of play equipment for children of all ages.

Two draft design concepts were shared with the community for feedback in September 2022, with 67% of survey respondents saying this was their favourite design.

A key feature of the design is a multi-play unit built to feel like a treehouse, with a double slide, rope net, climbing wall, binoculars, fire pole, and custom leaf roof.

A toddler play hut, animal-shaped rocker, three swings including a basket swing, seating, water bubbler, landscaping and pathways will also be installed.

Construction is due to begin in March 2023 and is expected to be completed by mid-2023.

Glengarry Drive Reserve final design for new playspace