
Have Your Say on Addendum REF

18 November 2024

Penrith City Council has prepared an Addendum Review of Environmental Factors (REF) for the Dunheved Road Upgrade which proposes minor design changes to expand the range of improvements planned along Dunheved Road.

The community is invited to provide feedback on these design changes by 16 December 2024.

The proposed modifications will further improve safety, amenity and connectivity as well as reduce potential operational noise impacts for surrounding residents.

The proposed changes include:

  • Extension of the acoustic barrier

The acoustic barrier on the northern side of Dunheved Road outlined in the REF will be extended at the Richmond Road intersection. The barrier will be 2.4 metres high and made of suitable material to reduce potential operational noise impacts.

  • Extension of footpaths

The footpath on the northern side of Dunheved Road outlined in the REF will be shifted slightly (further north) and extended to connect to the existing path at Brookfield Avenue to provide a continuous pedestrian pathway. The concrete footpath will be 1.5 metres wide.

  • Planting of grasses and shrubs

In addition to the planting outlined in the REF, more native plants and grasses will be planted at the intersection of Richmond Road and Dunheved Road and at various points along Dunheved Road to provide a green screen between the road and properties, improve the look and feel and enhance wildlife habitat.

Also proposed are modifications to stormwater drainage, high voltage and transmission underground lines, an access track, scour protection and a driveway modification.

View the Addendum REF and provide feedback via email, phone or mail.

Ph: 4732 7777


Mail: Dunheved Road Upgrade - Addendum REF

Penrith City Council


Penrith NSW 2751

The project is funded through the Australian Government’s Infrastructure Investment Program.