
June 2023 Update

21 June 2023

As it’s been a few weeks since we were last in touch, we wanted to provide you with an update on the proposed Coreen Avenue Intersections Upgrade project.


Consultation closed on 26 May 2023, however we have continued to meet with businesses who have reached out to us to discuss their concerns. We are also finalising the consultation report for internal review and to submit to Transport for NSW for their evaluation and review.


Through the feedback we received via emails, surveys, meetings and phone calls during the consultation period, we acknowledge that the community has raised concerns over certain aspects of the design.

We are now carefully reviewing and evaluating the feedback we received with various Council teams and our consultants and are looking at alternative intersection design options where possible.

Next steps

We are working with consultants to conduct updated traffic modelling to get a better understanding of traffic movements in the area and assess how any potential design changes will impact current and future traffic levels.

This traffic modelling and reviewing of design options will take approximately two months and we will be in touch to update you on the outcome of these investigations.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email at